Our latest achievements, awards, and design releases have been featured in top publications such as Designboom, Design Milk, and national Belgian newspapers.
Interested in featuring us in your publication or looking for more information?
Contact us at press@matticeboets.com for further details.
Mattice Boets ranked #1 in Furniture
Mattice Boets was ranked #1 in the world in the category Furniture from 2009 until 2023 on the Design Leaderboards. This rankings certificate has been issued to recognize, celebrate, and mark down the designer's hallmark success in the Design Leaderboards. For further information, explore https://designleaderboards.com.
View articleSpacedome on Ross Lovegrove Official
Featured on Ross Lovegrove's official page - Designed by Mattice Boets and Ross Lovegrove, Spacedome is a twenty-first century off-grid live and workspace made out of a geodesic dome construction. Designed upon NASA materials, principles, and aesthetics to form a space that promotes openness, lightness, transparency, high-tech, and space optimization while maintaining a close bond with conscious and healthy living.
View articleAll
Concorso a premi
Liquid table selected among Dettagli Home Decor's favorite award winners.
View articleMeta vase on Kunsthandlung
The Meta vase featured by design magazine Kunsthandlung.
View articleFlow armchair on Italian Bark
The Flow armchair was selected by design magazine Italian Bark as their best award winning design.
View articleReverse clock on Magazin Konsepsyon
Sa a ekselan konsepsyon se yon gayan nan prim konsepsyon an lò nan pwodwi ekleraj ak ekleraj pwojè konsepsyon konsepsyon. Ou ta dwe definitivman wè pòtfolyo konsepsyon an lò prim-konsèpteur 'yo dekouvri anpil lòt nouvo, inovatè, pwodwi ekleraj orijinal ak kreyatif ak ekleraj pwojè konsepsyon travay yo.
View articleReverse clock on Dizayn Jurnal
Саат Убакыт учкан сайын, саат мурдагыдай бойдон калды. Тескерисинче, кадимки саат эмес, тескерисинче, минималисттик саат дизайны, аны бир түргө айлантат. Колун ичин караган сырткы шакек ичинде саатты көрсөтүү үчүн айланат. Сыртты караган кичинекей колу жалгыз туруп, мүнөтүн көрсөтүү үчүн айланат.
View articleReverse clock on Design Zeitschrift
Auer Iwwerdeems d'Zäit verflitt sinn, sinn d'Auer d'selwecht bliwwen. Reverse ass net eng gewéinlech Auer, et ass de Reversement, e minimalisteschen Auerdesign mat subtile Ännerungen, déi et zu enger Aart maachen. Déi Hand no baussen rotéiert bannenzeg am baussenzege Rank fir eng Stonn unzeginn. Déi kleng Hand no baussen steet eleng a rotéiert fir d'Minuten ze weisen.
View articleRenovar tipologías
“Este reloj es el resultado de un experimento personal que tenía como objetico diseñar un objeto visualmente atractivo y diferente a su tipología”, comenta Boets.
View articleʻAʻole ʻo Reverse ke ʻano o ke aniani maʻamau
Ua hana hou ʻia ʻo Reverse e ka hoʻoneʻe ʻana i nā mea āpau o ka uaki wale nō ke kāʻili cylindrical nona, mai laila mau ke kiʻi. Ke hoʻolālā nei kēia ʻano uaki i ka hoʻomanaʻo iā ʻoe e hoʻokomo i ka manawa. ʻO ka inoa papahana : Reverse, Ka inoa o nā mea hoʻolālā : Mattice Boets, Kāhea inoa o kāliʻi : Mattice Boets.
View articleMattice Boets included in the Design Encyclopedia
We're excited to announce that Mattice Boets has been featured in the esteemed Design Encyclopedia.
View articleMattice Boets ranked #1 in Furniture
Mattice Boets was ranked #1 in the world in the category Furniture from 2009 until 2023 on the Design Leaderboards. This rankings certificate has been issued to recognize, celebrate, and mark down the designer's hallmark success in the Design Leaderboards. For further information, explore https://designleaderboards.com.
View articleMattice Boets ranked #4 of all-time
Mattice Boets has been ranked #4 of all-time in all categories on the Design Leaderboards in January 2023. Scoring is done by a grand jury of established design professionals, industry leaders, influential journalists, and prominent academics who annually evaluate works from all countries and all creative industries based on pre-established evaluation criteria such as utility, sustainability, efficiency, and aesthetics.
View articleMattice Boets ranked #11 of all-time time gold winners
Mattice Boets was ranked #11 of all-time gold winners on the Design Leaderboards. Design Leaderboards is an international rankings system for good design based on recent meritocratic achievements of world-class design professionals, agencies, and brands.
View articleLiquid table on Design Magasin
Bord Liquid er et let og stærkt moderne borddesign inspireret af de dynamiske og flydende strukturer, der findes i naturen. Der er allerede masser af borddesign, det er udfordrende at skabe en meningsfuld en.
View articleReverse clock on Rivista tad-Disinn
Arloġġ Filwaqt li l-ħin itajjar, l-arloġġi baqgħu l-istess. Il-maqlub mhux ordinarju, huwa t-treġġigħ lura, disinn ta 'arloġġ minimalista b'bidliet sottili li jagħmluh wieħed tat-tip. L-idejn li jħares 'il ġewwa jdur ġewwa ċ-ċirku ta' barra biex jindika s-siegħa.
View articleFlow armchair on Design Milk
Flow armchair has been chosen as one of Design Milk's favorite award-winning designs for the prestigious A' Design Award competition.
View article10 new chair designs
We are proud to announce that our Flow armchair has been handpicked by Italian design magazine, Bark, as one of their favorite award-winning designs.
View articleFlow armchair on Design Milk
The Flow armchair has been showcased in Design Milk's article announcing the prestigious A' Design Award competition, which Flow has won the bronze award in 2022.
View articleFlow armchair on Ars City
Once again, Flow armchair has made the cut! Ars City has selected the design as one of their top award winners of the A' Design Award, a prestigious design competition Flow has previously won the bronze prize in.
View articleFlow armchair wins Bronze A' Design Award
We're excited to share that the Flow armchair has been granted the Bronze A' Design Award in Furniture Design Category by the International Design Academy, the grand jury panel of the A' Design Award & Competition which consists of influential press members, established designers, leading academics and prominent entrepreneurs worldwide.
View articlePebble outdoor sofa wins the A' Design Award
We are pleased to announce that Pebble outdoor sofa has been granted the A' Design Award in Furniture Design Category by the International Design Academy, the grand jury panel of the A' Design Award Competition which consists of influential press members, established designers, leading academics and prominent entrepreneurs worldwide.
View articleMattice Boets included in the A'DA yearbook
We're proud to announce that Mattice Boets has been featured in the A' Design Award Yearbook for his award-winning designs.
View articleDesign release: Fusion
The Fusion collection of twelve unique digital art pieces originates from a real tree trunk. This collection represents the convergence of computational design, material science, and the natural world and is a glimpse into the future. The journey began with a seed that grew into a tree, but as with all forms of life this too came to an end, leaving behind a beautifully twisted tree trunk that caught the eye of the artist.
View articleDesign release: Light sculpture
The sheet metal sculpture, Light, stands amidst Iceland's dark and moody landscapes of stark cliffs, mossy rocks, and volcanic terrain. The sculpture shines brilliantly in the midst of the dark, mossy landscape, casting rays of light in every direction and illuminating the path for all those who come across it.
View articleDesign release: Lumen
Lumen is a collection of ten unique digital art pieces inspired by the exoskeletons of coral. Using 3D scanning technology, the artist collected exoskeletons from the coast of Norway and used computational methods to bring to life the flow of water around the structure of the coral.
View articleDesign release: Pulse
A creation that draws the eye and defies expectation. This sculpture, a highly complex network that transforms from glass to a copper-like material, appears to come alive and communicates through its material, exuding a sense of life and energy.
View articleDesign release: Divine
Ancient art from the old masters meets 21st-century technologies. A glass-like sculptural piece of clothing was designed to perfectly fit the body. Pieces of various lengths extend outward, fusing and blending. The structure gradually emerges from her feet and back and adapts to her body.
View articleBest Design Belgium 2021: Reverse clock
We're thrilled to announce that our Reverse clock has been included in the Best Design Belgium list of 2021, an accolade that recognizes exceptional design and innovation in the country.
View articleBest Design Belgium 2021: Liquid table
The Liquid table has received recognition for its exceptional design and innovation, being included in the Best Design Belgium list of 2021.
View articleDesign release: Fracture
Fracture is a digital sculpture that embodies the evolution of a tiny leaf into a captivating digital landscape. A leaf was 3D scanned using macro lenses, capturing even the smallest of details. Using state-of-the-art software, the artist used digital sculpting techniques to further develop the model.
View article10款最具创意的时钟设计
从古自今人们用不同的方式记录着时间 通过时间的管理 结绳、日晷、沙漏 这些不同的形式推进着人类文明的进步 ·· 今天分享的时钟设计 可谓另辟蹊径 从全新的角度挑战传统的时间显示方式 有加强时间的记忆 也有模糊时间的装饰艺术 不同的切入点 为时钟带来了许多的可能性 ·· 01-拥抱时间挂钟by: Mattice Boets
View articleSpacedome on Ross Lovegrove Official
Featured on Ross Lovegrove's official page - Designed by Mattice Boets and Ross Lovegrove, Spacedome is a twenty-first century off-grid live and workspace made out of a geodesic dome construction. Designed upon NASA materials, principles, and aesthetics to form a space that promotes openness, lightness, transparency, high-tech, and space optimization while maintaining a close bond with conscious and healthy living.
View articleMattice Boets interviewed by Liantis
Mattice vertelt over zijn ervaring als nieuwbakken student-zelfstandige en waarom hij die stap zette. “Op dit moment werk ik producten uit voor klanten, maar naar de toekomst toe wil ik graag mijn eigen ideeën uitwerken.”
View articleSpacedome in Corriere Della Sera
A project by Mattice Boets and Ross Lovegrove, featured in Corriere Della Sera.
View articleDesign release: Spacedome
Spacedome is a response to the current challenges faced by the world, aimed at finding a harmonious balance between the earth and humanity. It is a step towards a modern, environmentally conscious way of living, combining technology and nature. The design process was based on thoughtful consideration of what we need, and don’t need. Designed by Mattice Boets at the Ross Lovegrove Studio, UK, in close dialogue with Ross Lovegrove.
We are honored to be selected as one of Design Street magazine's favorite award winning designs.
View articleDettagli Home Décor
Il concorso si rivolge a designer, architetti, artisti e aziende di tutto il mondo. L’obiettivo principale di A ‘Design Awards & Competition è quello di mettere in evidenza, promuovere e pubblicizzare un design di qualità, funzionale ed efficiente, in modo da garantire un futuro migliore.
View articleTavoli di design: 15 modelli premiati
In particolare questa volta mi sono dedicata ai tavoli di design, e guardando tra i vari complementi d’arredo vincitori nella categoria A’ Furniture, Decorative Items and Homeware Design Award, sono riuscita a trovare 15 modelli di tavoli molto particolari.
View articleReverse clock on Designboom
We are thrilled to announce that our Reverse clock design has been selected by Designboom, a well-known design magazine, as one of their favorite award-winning designs from the A' Design Award Competition.
View articleReverse clock on Art Nagrada
Это одна из наиболее престижных и всеобъемлющих дизайнерских наград в мире. Каждый год жюри отмечает проекты со всего мира за инновации, технологии, креативность. Выберите категорию, соответствующую тематике вашего проекта. Широкий выбор номинаций позволяет это. Cреди них:
View articleLiquid table on Juxtapoz
Liquid table has been chosen by Juxtapox magazine as one of their favorite award winning design.
View articleArredare le pareti
Arredare le pareti Tra le richieste che mi vengono fatte più di frequente c’è sempre questa: idee per arredare le pareti in maniera originale. Negli anni vi ho mostrato alcune proposte [ le trovate tutte qui] ma non sempre è facile trovare il complemento d’arredo che meglio fa al caso nostro, che si adatta all’ambiente e che sia di nostro gusto, quindi oggi vi mostrerò qualche nuova idea.
View articleReverse clock on Design Me
While time flies by, clocks have stayed the same. Most clocks have the same look and feel, there's very little difference in their designs. Why? Isn't it time to see some change? These questions inspired the concept Reverse.
View articleReverse clock on Home Esthetics
Reverse is a minimalistic and unordinary clock design with subtle changes making it one of a kind. The little hand moves by the outer edges of the clock and points to the hour while the middle one pivots in the center and points to the minutes. It's simple, yet different.
View articleDesign release: 3D-Veneer Armchair
Perfectly formed and adapted to the human body, this design was created through the vision of Ross Lovegrove and the development by Mattice Boets. By utilizing the latest production technologies, highly complex and previously impossible geometry is formed using 3D-Veneer.
View articleDesign release: Flow armchair
Flow is an armchair inspired by the flow of water. It represents the movement of water as it glides over rocks, bringing together two distinct elements into a harmonious whole.The design creates the illusion that the person sitting in the armchair is a rock and the water is flowing around their body, resulting in design which perfectly flows around the human body in each and every angle.
View articleEs momento de revelar los rankings mundiales de diseño
Los World Design Rankings salen de los diseñadores que participan en el Design Award, del cual he hablado durante todo el año aquí en el blog. Los países que están en los primeros lugares no es porque sean los mejores haciendo diseños. Están en esa posición porque muchos diseñadores de esos países participan en el concurso. Pero igual los World Design Rankings, funcionan para darnos una idea de cómo está el diseño en el mundo y en nuestros países.
View articleAnnouncement: World Design Rankings
The World Design Rankings are announced! We are honored to be included in the rankings.
View articleLiquid table on Dettagli Home Décor
L’Italia si piazza al quarto posto tra i 100 paesi rappresentati nel 2018 mentre gli Stati Uniti si aggiudicano il primo posto con ben 48 Platinum Design Awards vinti a livello globale. Lo scorso dicembre il World Design Rankings ha annunciato la classifica dei paesi da cui provengono i designer vincitori del premio A’ Design Award. Gli Stati Uniti si sono classificati al primo posto, seguiti da Cina, Giappone, Italia, Gran Bretagna, Hong Kong, Turchia, Taiwan, Portogallo e Australia che nel 2018 hanno conquistato le prime posizioni.
View articleReverse clock on Product
Reverse clock published on the well-known Instagram page 'Product'.
View articleReverse clock on Produkt Hunter
We are pleased to share with you that the Reverse clock design has been featured on the popular online magazine called Produkt Hunter.
View articlela top 20 per la categoria Furniture Design
Inoltre, scorrendo a fine pagina, sono elencate anche le super categorie: Good Industrial Design Award, Good Product Design Award, Good Communication Design Award, Good Service Design Award e Good Fashion Design.
View articleReverse clock on Contemporist
The Contemporist design magazine shares their favorite award winning designs, one of which is the Reverse clock!
View articleDesign release: Core
Deep within lies the starting point of all things and the end of the unknown. At first glance, it may appear to be something unfamiliar, but the longer one looks, the more recognizable it becomes. It represents the uncharted territory of the unknown, waiting to be discovered and explored, begging to be understood. It is a reminder of the infinite possibilities that exist within our world, wanting to be uncovered and embraced.
View articleDesign release: Unnatural Water
Unnatural Water is a sculpture that blurs the lines betweenfluid and solid. Comprised of what I like to call "supersonic water,"the piece showcases a balance between emptiness and sweeping, flowing bluematter. The unique interplay between these elements creates a visual tension,inviting the viewer to contemplate the relationship between form and void. Thispiece takes a unique approach to what sculpture is and could be, showcasing anotherworldly beauty that is both captivating and thought-provoking.
View articleReverse clock on Attitude
Reverse clock was selected as one of the best award winning designs by Attitude magazine.
View article告訴你家具家飾設計有多好玩
看時光飛逝我們抬頭仰望,時鐘的造型卻永遠保持不變。為什麼?是不是該看到一些變化的時候了? Reverse是一種簡約而不尋常的時鐘設計,具有微妙的變化:Reverse有兩個不停旋轉的圓圈,外圈為小時的刻度,內圈則為分鐘的指標。指標「分」分鐘鐘的追著「時」間跑,是不是很有趣呢?
View articleReverse clock on Ignant
A selection of Ignant's top award winners, one of which is the Reverse clock!
View articleList of Best Designers
We're pleased to announce that Mattice Boets has been included in the list of Best Designers worldwide.
View articleHet MoMeNT: Mattice Boets, Astrid Stockmans & Luc Daelemans
Hebben andere steden een stadsmuzikant of een stadsdichter, Tongeren heeft een stadsfilosoof. In Huis Theelen (naast Praetorium), Maastrichterstraat 8 vestigt Frank Van Laeken zich van 10 tot en met 18 augustus om te debatteren en te filosoferen over TIJD met zowel bekende en minder bekende gasten.
View articlei 20 migliori progetti vincitori
Tra gli accessori interessanti Reverse Clock di Mattice Boets.Perché il design degli orologi è sempre lo stesso si chiede il designer. La risposta è un nuovo orologio Reverse con un design minimalista. Sottili cambiamenti lo rendono unico nel suo genere. La lancetta si sposta dai bordi esterni dell’orologio e indica l’ora mentre quella centrale ruota al centro e indica i minuti. È semplice, ma diverso.
View articleIGNANT’s Top 20 A’ Design Award Winners
Design magazine Ignant selects Liquid table as one of their top 20 A' Design Award winners.
View articleイタリアのデザインコンペティション
View articlecómo repensar un reloj de pared
Existe una serie de productos que se han visto alterados mínimamente desde su creación. El paraguas, el volante, las tijeras… Ya sea por la simpleza de la función que desempeñan, la intrascendencia de su papel, o bien porque no existen otras formas de hacerlos mejor, la arquitectura de estos totems del diseño fue, es y será, prácticamente la misma.
View articleExhibition in the MOOD Museum of Design
Mattice Boets's work will be exhibited in the MOOD Museum of Design in Como, Italy between the 19th of July and the 21st of July 2019.
View articleThe Future of Design Is Here
Design magazine Juxtapoz highlights their selection of best award winners from the 2018-2019 edition. We are happy to see the Reverse clock being included in their list. Check it out!
View articlePartner of the World Design Consortium
Mattice Boets has become a partner of the World Design Consortium 2019. WDC is a global alliance of award-winning designers, architects and creative agencies worldwide, each specialized and expert in their fields.
View articleReverse clock on Art Nagrada
Премия A’Design Award — одна из самых престижных, разнообразных и всеобъемлющих дизайнерских наград в мире. Конкурс объединяет архитекторов, дизайнеров, художников, компании и СМИ. Премией отмечаются лучшие проекты, чтобы обеспечить им известность, авторитет и признание, благодаря выставкам и освещению в международной прессе. Лауреаты конкурса получат внушительный набор победителя (подробнее о преимуществах для участников:
View articleReverse clock on Designboom
We are delighted to announce that the Reverse clock design, which won gold in a previous edition of the A' Design Award competition, has been featured by Designboom as one of their favorite winners.
View articleDesign release: Omega vase
Omega is a vase design embracing the fluidity of water and its pureness into a functional organic form. The design is built upon the same elements most vases are composed of, an outer shell with a void in the middle yet it is not comparable to anything else we are used to seeing. It’s a design in which form follows function, yet this principle has become almost invisible at first glance due to its fluid organic form.
View articleInterviewed by DI
Check out an interview of Mattice Boets by Frank Scott from DI and learn about Mattice's perspective on design.
View articleHet Nieuwsblad: Hasseltse student in de prijzen in internationale designerswedstrijd
De Hasseltse student Mattice Boets (20) heeft met zijn ontwerpen goud en brons behaald in de designwedstrijd 'A', een prestigieuze competitie die de beste ontwerpers wereldwijd bekroond. Met zijn ontwerp 'Reverse Clock', een omgekeerde klok, behaalde Mattice Boets goud in de 'A' Design Award and Competitions. "Een klok ziet er altijd hetzelfde uit en ik wou...
View articleHBVL: Hasseltse student in de prijzen in internationale designerswedstrijd
De Hasseltse student Mattice Boets (20) heeft met zijn ontwerpen goud en brons behaald in de designwedstrijd 'A', een prestigieuze competitie die de beste ontwerpers wereldwijd bekroond. Met zijn ontwerp 'Reverse Clock', een omgekeerde klok, behaalde Mattice Boets goud in de 'A' Design Award and Competitions. "Een klok ziet er altijd hetzelfde uit en ik wou...
View articleMattice Boets ranked #9 best designer in Belgium 2019
In 2019, Mattice Boets was ranked #9 best designer in Belgium on the World Design Rankings.
View articleMattice Boets ranked #61 of the world
Mattice Boets has been ranked #61 in the world in the category furniture, decorative items, and homeware design. The DAC - Design Classification system ranks only the very best, award winning designers and brands in the sector specific design award categories in order to highlight the top creatives in a given field.
View articleReverse clock on Idesigners EU
The Reverse clock has been selected by design magazine Idesigners EU as one of their favorite award winners.
View articleReverse clock on Designstreet
I designer di tutto il mondo possono partecipare al contest A’ Design Award, presentando i loro migliori lavori, progetti e prodotti, purché siano stati ideati negli ultimi 10 anni. Qui sotto, una selezione di progetti premiati nell’ultima edizione del premio.
View articleDesign release: Eter
The sculpture Eter is a piece of sculpture that defies conventional aesthetics. Its creation is a result of experimentation with glass and digital sculpting, resulting in a piece that embodies an otherworldly energy. Despite sharing the exact same geometry as Cloud, Eter presents a unique and entirely different appearance, captivating the viewer from every angle.
View articleпобедители
A’Design Award — одна из самых престижных, разнообразных и всеобъемлющих дизайнерских наград в мире ( http://www.designaward.com) — огласила победителей этого года. Представляем проекты из числа лучших.
View articleInterview by Frank Scott from DI
"We had the distinct pleasure to interview award winning designer Mattice Boets about their original and creative Clock design work. Mattice Boets is an award-winning industrial designer, that makes our world a better place with their original clock works."
View articleLiquid table on Thy Magazine
Ci siamo, l’A’ Design Award & Competition ha annunciato i migliori progetti di design vincitori per l’anno 2018-2019! Noi di Thy Magazine, abbiamo seguito gli sviluppi di questo contest e vi proponiamo una selezione dei nostri progetti preferiti.
View articleReverse clock on Supertacular
The creme de la creme of the designers with their awarded work has been finally revealed. This is the ideal place and of course the perfect moment to find out more about the winners and enjoy some of the best designs in the whole world. Reverse by Mattice Boets.
¿Qué diseñador no sueña con que su diseño sea conocido en todo el mundo o que sea galardonado por expertos de todo el planeta? El concurso A’ Design Awards & Competition hace posible este anhelo común en esta profesión.
View articleReverse clock on Living in a Shoebox
Design magazine Living in a Shoebox announces their top picks of the award winning designs. We are pleased to hear that Reverse clock has made the selection!
View articleI VINCITORI
Da diversi anni ormai vi parlo di A’ Design Award & Competition , un concorso internazionale di design al quale partecipano creativi e artisti da tutto il mondo: una giuria di esperti del settore premia ogni anno i progetti più interessanti e innovativi, i quali proprio grazie a questo concorso, hanno la possibilità di farsi conoscere da un vasto pubblico.
View articleReverse clock on Design Outfit
Here we are! For this 2018-19 edition, the winners of the A' Design Award have finally been announced, and these are some of our favorite winners...
View articleReverse clock on Arredativo
Semplice e minimale è Reverse Clock di Mattice Boets uno dei progetti più originali che reinterpreta l’orologio. La lancetta si muovono lungo i bordi esterni dell’orologio e puntano all’ora mentre quella centrale ruota al centro e indica i minuti. È semplice, ma diverso.
View articleReverse clock on Info Designers EU
The results are in! We are pleased to hear that design magazine Info Designers EU has selected the Reverse clock as one of their beloved award winners.
View articleReverse clock wins Gold A' Design Award
We are pleased to announce that the Reverse clock design has been awarded the Golden A' Design Award in Furniture, Decorative Items and Homeware Design Category by the International Design Academy, the grand jury panel of the A' Design Award Competition which consists of internationally influential press members, established designers, leading academics and prominent entrepreneurs.
View articleLiquid table wins Bronze A' Design Award
We are pleased to announce that the Liquid Table design has been awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in Furniture, Decorative Items and Homeware Design Category by the International Design Academy, the grand jury panel of the A' Design Award & Competition which consists of internationally influential press members, established designers, leading academics and prominent entrepreneurs.
View articleMattice Boets interviewed by Designers.org
How do you think the "design field" is evolving? What is the future of design? MB: Everything seems to evolve into the digital world. With the use of AI, many designers and engineers are already experimenting with generative and procedural design methodologies. A breakthrough in the field of AI is inevitable. I expect to see this evolve towards a much higher level in which many elements of the design will be replaced by an AI system.
View articleInterview by Design Legends
Check out an interview with Mattice Boets. The place where top designers, architects and artists are interviewed.
View articleDesign release: Meta vase
The Meta Vase embodies a fusion of contrasting elements, showcasing the harmony between light and dark, fullness and emptiness. Crafted from striking grey glass, a delicate void is formed through manipulation, lending a touch of visual intrigue. The interplay of shadow and illumination emanating from the center imbues the piece with a mesmerizing, enigmatic allure. This design has an air of elegance, with its sleek form and intriguing appearance, making it a remarkable piece of art.
View articleDesign release: Cloud
A mysterious blue form descended from the sky and took on physical form, made of shimmering aquamarine glass. The solid piece of air appears to shift its shape as viewed from different perspectives. This work of art seamlessly blends the tangible and the untangible, bringing the concept of a solid cloud to life.
View articlei vincitori: Reverse clock
The Reverse clock has been chosen by design magazine Design Street as one of their top award winners.
View articleMattice Boets ranked #1 in 2018
Mattice Boets has been ranked #1 among all categories in 2018 on the Design Leaderboards. Design Leaderboards is an international rankings system for good design based on recent meritocratic achievements of world-class design professionals, agencies, and brands.
View articleDesign release: Oflow bottle opener
Molded by the human hand, Oflow is a bottle opener that perfectly fits your hand's palm. The design was distilled to its purest form, to that which it would inevitably become anyway. This creates a slightly concave surface on which your thumb rests. The conventional lip was removed since it isn't necessary when the opening is perfectly shaped to wrap around a bottlecap. It was attempted to strike a balance between that which is essential and that which is practical. Tried and tested, a limited series of stainless steel Oflow bottle openers have been produced.
View articleLiquid table on Megosu
We are pleased to share that the Liquid table design has been featured by the well-known platform Megosu! Check it out below.
View articleDesign release: Liquid table
Inspired by the fluid structures found in nature, Liquid is an incredibly lightweight and thin table design. Flowing from one corner to the next, a completely fluid and continuous surface is created. This unique design language creates an elegant and timeless design that can be the centerpiece of your workplace or living room for many years.
View articleMost Buzzed Designs of May 2018
We are honored to be amongst the designs which 'buzzed' the most in design magazine Yanko Design during May 2018! Check out the full article below.
View articleReverse clock on Jiemian
比利时设计师的革新Reverse闹钟 Reverse是由比利时设计师Mattice Boets设计的一款现代时钟。不同于传统时钟,Mattice将时针和分针的位置对调,将原本固定在中点的时针换成分针,沿外缘移动的分针换成了时针。Reverse这个单词意味着“相反的“,代表着互换了位置的时针和分针。看似简单异常的设计却完全颠覆了以往的时钟构造模式,整个钟体简约却富有创意,充满未来感。Mattice Boets目前就读于西弗兰德大学的工业产品设计系,他两年前在比利时PIKOH学校念书的时候设计了该作品,希望能给大家带去一款独一无二的时钟。
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